This Site has 100+ Videos, Posts and Pages
of useful information for Student Pilots.

So what is involved

in learning to fly

Take action now

Book your lesson

Are you looking for
a challenging adventure,

which will fit around your
other life commitments?

Great news is
your flying challenging adventure
can be sized to most budgets.

Learning to fly is
a series of simple challenges(lessons)
leading to achievements.
These achievements are
used to take on
greater challenges
leading to
a "Pilot Licence."

People that fly tend to have
a real Zest for life!

Aerohire's Fleet

Cirrus Aircraft SR22

Cessna 172.

BRM Bristell (NG5).

Cessna 152

Sport Cruiser

Approachable, Informal, yet Professional Flight Training!

Microlight Certificate

  • Fly for Fun (2 seaters only)
  • No previous experience required
  • Aircraft < 600kgs
  • Almost anywhere in NZ
  • Not for Hire or Reward
    (can take friends and family)
  • Min 50 Hours
  • Aircraft Training Rate $195/hours
  • No Night Flying


Private Pilot Licence
  • Fly for Fun
  • No previous experience required
  • Aircraft < 5700kgs
  • Anywhere in NZ
  • Not for Hire or Reward
    (can take friends and family)
  • Min 50 Hours
  • Aircraft Training Rate $250/hour
  • Night Flying


Commercial Pilot Licence
  • Fly for a Job
  • Requires a Private Pilot Licence
  • Aircraft < 5700kgs
  • Anywhere in NZ
  • For Hire or Reward
    (Fare Paying Passengers)
  • Min 200 Hours
  • Aircraft Training Rate $250/hour
  • Night Flying

Our Student Pilot Training Course ...

Online Video Theory Courses

(Around 60 Videos)


Handy little Trainers.

Generally Interesting Aviation Stuff

I know this is a little bit subjective.